My Macbook won't start. I press the power button and nothing happens.

Sometimes a macBook will get stuck in a sleep state. Press and hold the power button for 10 seconds to make sure it is turned off. Release the button and wait a few seconds, then press it again as normal to turn it on.

If that didn't work, check your battery:

On the left side of your macBook is a battery indicator button. Press it and watch for the indicator lights to light up. If they don't, or only one lights up, you need to charge your battery.

Plug in your computer and confirm that the LED on the mag-safe connector is illuminated. If it is not, try a different outlet or a different power cord.

If this did not solve your problem, please submit a ticket by sending an email to with an complete description of the problem and what you are trying to achieve. You may also submit a ticket by going here.

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