Unable to log on to student Mac computer.

Unable to log on to a particular student Macbook or iMac computer with any student or teacher account. The problem is limited to a specific device.

The computer is not able to connect to our OpenDirectory server. This is most likely caused by the computer not having network connection, or being connected to the guest wireless network.

Reconnect the device to the appropriate network.

  • For an iMac, check the physical cable connection.
  • For a Macbook, log on as a local user and adjust the wireless settings. Wi-Fi should be turned on, and connected to SPS Net. If you are not able to log on as a local user, you can attach to the network with an ethernet cable and log on with a teacher or student network account. Once logged on, you can adjust the Wi-Fi settings.

Additional Information:
This problem is most likely caused by a user turning the Wi-Fi off or switching the connection to the Guest network. Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent a user from doing this.

All students have "network" accounts, which means that every logon attempt must be approved by our main server. This allows them to log on to any mac on our network, but makes each logon attempt dependent on a network connection.

Teachers have "mobile" accounts, which means that they have network accounts which become "local" accounts on a particular device after they successfully logged on to that device the first time.

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