How To Add Substitute As Alternative Host In Zooom

Staff, see internal document here.

Before a substitute teacher can start a Zoom meeting on your behalf, they will need to be added to your Personal Meeting Room as an alternative host. (Not a co-host)

  • Primary teachers should add primary.sub@...(domain omitted)
  • Middle School teachers should add middle.sub@...(domain omitted)

To add an alternative host, do the following:

  1. Launch your chrome browser and go to
  2. Sign in with Google
  3. Navigate to Meetings -> Personal Room -> Edit

  4. In the Alternative Hosts section, add primary.sub@...(domain omitted) or middle.sub@...(domain omitted), and click “Save”.
    You can add both addresses separated by a comma if needed.
    Note: You will need to provide the substitute teacher with your Meeting ID or URL for them to start your meeting.
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